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I'm a mama, artist and designer painting and creating in my home studio. Originally from Oregon, my childhood memories are filled with days playing at the beach or up in the mountains. With an inherited sense of adventure, travel and a love of nature, I often built forts, planes and ships out of driftwood logs with my brother. On rainy days (which were often) I would draw cartoons of family and friends or paint smiling faces on the smooth rocks I loved to collect.

Eight years ago, I ventured to New England and married my best friend. We now have have two delightful little girls, ages 3 and 5. With limited time, a passion for painting and my trusty sewing machine, I established my creative business, bumblebird. The same name of the very first plush bird I made for my little girls. Their delight for my bumblebird creations, newfound love of artmaking and the beautiful woods surrounding our home, continue to inspire!

This blog is a peek into my creative life, inspirations, and the daily whims and follies of parenting, which I usually post about once or twice a week. You're welcome to visit anytime...I would love to hear from you!
