prayer ties in Block Island, RI
This past few months have been a time for me to cherish moments with our family and honoring myself with care, comfort and creativity. I enjoyed six transformative weeks in the Summer SouLodge with Pixie Campbell. If your ready to connect with kindred spirits, release your fears and have trust & faith in your own intuition, then her Autumn SouLodge Session is just around the corner...
At the end of August, Hurricane Irene made landfall on the shoreline of Connecticut. Many families we know were evacuated from their homes due to the storm surge to hit in the middle of the night. The surge made it to the bottom of our road, but our home is far enough & high enough away that we were not affected. The winds were very strong and we lost some tall trees...I woke to a loud cracking sound at 4 am, peered out the window of our bedroom to see our 70ft plus majestic white oak whipping around like a windsock and watched another section split and fall onto our driveway. We could not sleep after that and as daylight broke this is what we saw...
A huge section of the tree landed on top of our garage & my studio.
Luckily, no serious damage..
Not so lucky with my garden.
So long, corn, beans and tomatoes...
Trees continued to topple from their roots all morning and into the early afternoon. We had a very close call...
was the tree landing just outside our front door and nearly missing our glass roof.
We were out of power for 8 days, had some flooding in our basement due to the sump pump not working without electricity. But, through it all the girls were very resilient (G & I, not so much) Family & neighbors came by to help with the clean up and my youngest daughter managed to give herself a haircut..
The very next day they were climbing trees they couldn't reach before!
School was delayed until after Labor Day Weekend. When the frenzy of new schedules and activities began. Mina began 1st grade and Lana her last year of co-op nursery school. By the second week of September, I was SO ready for a road trip & retreat, all alone, since the first time our little family began. More on that, very soon.