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Oh I am sorry that you are going to close shop but happy that you are doing what you need to:) Best of luck with everything in2012:)


Happy New Year! Good luck with your new endeavours!!


That's exciting, though your dolls were absolutely amazing. We will treasure our elf even more!! Good luck with your schooling and your future endeavors!


Glad I was able to snag a doll when I had a chance. You will be missed but following dreams is what life is for. Raising little ones is hard work, and making, and being and trying to stay sane through it all. I teach Art to Children and I LOVE it. It's the most rewarding job I have other than being a mother.

Art touches in ways that people can't understand and the right teacher can make a big impact. Being an artist and a Mom, you will catch things others may have missed , but you will know and your students will know. It will all be worth it.

Best of luck to you.

Sue Borton

So glad I got to "know" you through your blog and your etsy shop. I love the prints and the stuffed toy I got from Bumblebird! I have enjoyed so much reading your posts and seeing what new things you have created. I learned the
whole new world of Etsy through Bumblebird and even though I have not had time to open my own shop, I hope to someday. Not sure what I will put in mine yet, but it is so
fun to see what so many talented people are creating. I hope that you do publish the children's book someday, that you spoke of in your blog. You are an incredibly interesting writer. I wish you all the best of luck with your education. It will be so worth all the hard work when you are finished. My daughters have continued on with theirs while raising little ones. It is hard, but so rewarding. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us! PS We have sunshine in Oregon today!


Have a happy life! I will cherish my Hallowe'en kitty while wishing you luck in your future at school.

mindy t

SO HAPPY that we have several of your creations living with us. Good luck with everything!

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